K500 operations and development
D. P. May, G. J. Kim, H. L. Clark, and F. P. Abegglen
Texas A&M cyclotron radiation effects facility April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010
H. L. Clark, J. Brinkley, G. Chubarian, V. Horvat, B. Hyman, and G. Tabacaru
Cyclotron computing
R. Burch and K. Hagel
Cyclotron Institute upgrade project
H. L. Clark, F. Abegglen, G. Chubarian, G. Derrig, G. Kim, D. May,
G. Souliotis and G. Tabacaru
Testing the injection of ions in the CB-ECRIS at the Cyclotron Institute
G. Tabacaru, D. P. May, and J. Saathoff
Digital signal processing for improved half-life measurements
L. Chen and J. C. Hardy
A new TDC-based data acquisition system for half-life measurements
V. Horvat and J. C. Hardy
Determination of beam impurities by means of x-ray spectroscopy
V. Horvat and J. C. Hardy
Improved laser determination of source-detector distance for superallowed
branching-ratio measurements
L. Chen and J. C. Hardy
Testing of time of flight diamond detectors at TAMU cyclotron: 31st March - 2nd April 2010
M. A. Bentley, L. Scruton, S. P. Fox, B. S. Nara Singh, F. Schirru, A. Lohstroh,
A. Banu, M. McCleskey, B. R. Roeder, E. Simmons, A. A. Alharbi, and L. Trache
The Texas-Edinburgh-Catania silicon array (TECSA): a status report
M. McCleskey, B. T. Roeder, L. Trache, A. Banu, S. Cherubini, T. Davinson,
V. Goldberg, C. Spitaleri,2 R. E. Tribble, and P. J. Woods
Medical radioisotopes production research program at the Cyclotron Institute,
Texas A&M University
A. A. Alharbi, M. McCleskey, A. Spiridon, B. Roeder, E. Simmons, A. Banu, G. Akabani,
V. Bhakta, A. Azzam, L. Trache and R. E. Tribble
Production of the alpha particle emitting radionuclide 211At for targeted radionuclide
G. Akabani, A. A. Alharbi, V. Bhakta, C. M. Folden III, A. Spiridon, and R. E. Tribble